2101INT PRINCIPLES OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS - FINAL EXAM 2005 This exam is worth 50% of the total marks for the subject. There are a total of 100 marks on the exam and to be eligible to pass to course students MUST score no less than 40/100 (40%). The exam is divided into 6 sections. 1. Artificial Intelligence - 16 marks total - This section tests your knowledge of the history and philosophical basis of AI. There are 3 questions worth 6, 4 and 6 respectively. 2. Search - 22 marks total This section test your knowledge of search, search methods and how AI problems can be viewed as search problems. There are 3 questions, worth 8, 4, and 10, but each question has a number of parts. The 3 questions address: a) Search Problem Formulation b) Tree Search c) Uninformed Search Strategies 3. Constraint Satisfaction - 16 marks total This section tests your knowledge of the constraint satisfaction paradigm and the types of algorithms for solving such problems. There are 4 questions, worth 10, 6, 3, 3 but these are divided into parts. The 4 questions address: a) Constraint Satisfaction b) Backtracking Search c) Local Search d) Challenges facing local search 4. Logic - 14 marks 4 questions worth 2, 3, 5 and 4, also in parts. a) Syntax and Semantics b) Entailment c) Inference d) Non-classical Logics 5. Planning - 10 marks 3 questions worth 4, 4 and 2 a) Planning methods b) More planning methods c) Differences between respective planning methods. 6. Biologically Inspired AI - 16 marks total Questions are worth 8, 2 and 6 a) Artificial neurons and neural networks b) Artifical neural computation c) Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming